Sunday, June 6, 2010

Matt & Mariko - A Serialized Novel - 6.6


Chapters 1-13:

     Driving south from the test site under wisps of white clouds floating high in the sky, Matt didn't know if the hint he'd got from Phillipe would be enough for Ashton.
     "I'm not sure this gets me in the clear," he told Mariko.
     "You'll have to tell him it's all you can get for now," she said.
     "But I know what he'll say. He'll want to be sure. He'll want more."
     "Well, you've anticipated his response. That's good. Now you can prepare yours."
     "That's the problem. I don't know how. It's like one of those Chinese finger traps. The more I struggle with it, the worse this all seems."
     Mariko thought for a moment.
     "You've found your answer again."

     "How's that?"
     "It's like a Chinese finger trap. What do you do to get out of a Chinese finger trap?"
     "Actually, I forgot. I'm not sure I ever learned."
     "You relax," Mariko said. "You just relax."

     Standing at the back wall of the lobby of the Angeleno, Matt had the pay phone stuck between his shoulder and his ear, head tilted. He didn’t want to use his cell; he thought that Ashton could have technology capable of overriding any blocks he activated. His conversation was going as he'd expected.
     "It's all I could get."
     "I need documents," Ashton shot back.
     "You didn't say anything about documents," Matt said. "I don't know if I can get them. You just asked me to find out. I did. At least, I gave you the best inside information I could get. Are we done?"
     "Not hardly, kid. These deals have a paper trail. There are memos, draft contracts. As we speak, the attorneys for all the executives are cutting buy-out deals and their stock packages. I need some of that to show my, uh, partners in this project."
    "You just asked me to keep my eyes open. You made this sound like it would be easy."
    "So, it's not easy," Ashton snapped. "You're a tough guy. You like a challenge. This should make things more interesting for you. Get me what I need."
     "I don't know if I can. And I'm not sure I want to."
    "I think you can. And I think you want to. Look at it this way: You make some easy money. And then we're even."
    "What do you mean we're even? I don't owe you anything."
    "Let's put our cards on the table, then. I arrange financing for a lot of these movies you've been working on around town. If you don't want to get fired off every set, then, yes, you do owe me something."
     Matt had suspected as much, but because Ashton hadn't brought it up, he hadn't fully considered the possibility and its consequences. So he decided to stall for time by adopting the strategy he'd charted with Mariko.
    "This has taken some of my time and a lot of my energy. After that burglary at my girlfriend's house and the shooting in Santa Monica, I figure Yamura's place is being watched and mine might be too. I'm at the Angeleno off Sunset at the 405. I need you to check me in. I'm going to stay here until this is all over."
    "Fine. Give me a minute to call the front desk. Take the run of the hotel, order anything you need. Just get me some paper on this deal by tomorrow."
    Ashton hung up before Matt could say thanks or goodbye. Or what he really wanted to say, which was: Kiss my ass.
     Matt and Mariko had to wait along the wall in the hotel corridor while a wedding party passed, a crowd of well-dressed people filing into a nearby banquet room. The last in the line was a kilted bagpipe player, blasting a lilting melody over the droning low notes.

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